This is me

Hey there!
I'm Mats, a passionate designer and illustrator currently based in Trondheim, Norway.

Other than hanging out with friends and family you'll usually find me either working on personal design/Illustration projects or enjoying a good video game, movie or TV-show.

My favorites

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
Blade Runner 2049
The Matrix
Pulp Fiction
Attack on Titan
The Boys
Vinland Saga
Hunter X Hunter
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice
Slay the Spire
Fallout: New Vegas

Why Design?

A little detour

Although my passion for design and illustration sparked at an early age,  it was quickly overshadowed by an aptitude for STEM, something that led me down the path of engineering.

So when the time came, following the advice of teachers and peers, I moved to Trondheim to study for a masters degree in cybernetic engineering.

Rediscovering Design

The reality of engineering didn’t match my expectations. It was tough, uninspiring, and I struggled to stay motivated. Three years went by and it only got worse.  Everything changed however, when I took an optional class in web technology - where engineering meets design. This reignited my love for creativity and made me question my choice in career path.

That's when I decided to take a "break" from engineering to pursue my dream of becoming a graphic designer.

Leap of faith

The initial plan was to pursue a degree in design, but with no suitable study nearby I set that idea aside. Fortunately, it didn't take long before I landed a job at Reality Adventures, an escape room company in Trondheim. There, I designed logos, marketing material, informational videos, and even created physical props for the rooms.

Over my 6 years at RA I was fortunate enough to contribute to the company’s growth from a single escape room to Trondheim’s highest-rated escape room business, nearing 10+ escape game experiences.

New challenges

After having worked at Reality Adventures for 6 years I was starting to yearn for more challenging design work, and for somewhere I could be part of a larger design team. So in August 2023 I left (though I still do smaller jobs for them from time to time).

Since then I have been part of the talented team at Hemit HF, where I divide my time between designing interactive e-learning material for healthcare workers and handling various communication tasks as part of the communications team. My time here has greatly improved my ability to create user-friendly, visually appealing designs that clearly convey the intended message and enhance the user experience.

Ending note

Initially, I saw my years in cybernetic engineering as time wasted, but I’ve come to realize how invaluable that background has been. It equipped me with strong problem-solving skills, analytical thinking, and technical aptitude — qualities that are highly transferable to the field of design. These skills allow me to approach projects with a unique perspective and come up with innovative solutions.

While it's possible a different path would have benefitted me more I’m grateful for where my path has led me and excited about what the future holds.